Change driven by industry, for industry

April 14, 2023

This article was first published by Today’s Conveyancer

An all-of-industry approach is required to truly effect change, but that change begins with each of us.

If you’ve been following PEXA’s journey in the UK, you’ll see we’ve taken some big steps lately towards making home buying, selling, and remortgaging a better experience for all. We recently announced a range of collaborations with industry leading software providers, along with the expansion of our network of law firm customers. You can read about this here.

We engage regularly with a number of key industry stakeholders, including our three new law firm customers, Dutton Gregory Solicitors, PLS Solicitors, and The Partnership, to ensure what we’re working on will hit the mark for professionals and their clients alike.

These firms share our vision of transforming the conveyancing experience, and agree that while technology is an enabler of this, there’s no substitute for a first-class team. As PLS Solicitors explained, “when we were approached by PEXA, the synergies were obvious – from its digitised remortgage property exchange solution which speeds up the conveyancing transaction for customers and lenders to its progressive approach to reducing risk and costs… an opportunity not to be missed.”

Innovation requires dedicated focus

Speaking with Dutton Gregory Solicitors, they shared that they “… have key roles within the team responsible for continually identifying opportunities and implementing changes to make our team’s (and clients’) lives easier. The purpose is to learn, grow and get better at what we do.:

While the north star arguably should be that innovation is incorporated in everyone’s roles, appointing a person or team to work on this as a transitional step (even if the time required for that step is several years) will ensure it’s not a ‘side of the desk’ activity that is hard to prioritise.

The Partnership started with this in mind, stating that “innovation is in our DNA. Our goal is always to be first to market with all new technology.”

While technology can assist in providing the best possible service, it will never replace the people who deliver it – ultimately, it’s a complimentary tool that underpins the delivery of great experiences to clients. Dutton Gregory Solicitors consider that what is unique about them is their people. “It’s not just their skills and experience, but their attitude, focus and culture they create.”

Balancing the two is key, according to PLS Solicitors:

“We know that our USP is our technology approach to conveyancing balanced with hands-on customer service” and are conscious of providing their team members with the time they need to have ‘good, focused conversations with our customers.”

The conveyancing experience isn’t perfect, but it can be better

Conveyancing, by necessity, can’t be undertaken in a vacuum – we’re constantly at the mercy of others, and this can certainly cause challenges for firms wanting to innovate when working with others who are less enthusiastic. But this shouldn’t prompt us to lose faith.

Pockets within industry who want to improve the conveyancing experience are growing, and making real inroads into removing known friction points, and consumers are increasingly taking notice.

The Partnership shared that their “unique approach to proactivity [with clients]… can only be achieved through the use of innovative technology,” while PLS Solicitors noted that those who refer them work “now expect us to work this way,” referring to the use of technology. Dutton Gregory Solicitors highlighted the importance of providing choice to clients, sharing that they “ask clients how they want to work with us, rather than imposing terms and conditions, believing that good service comes from listening, understanding and collaboration.” Technology enables them to offer such flexibility.

Of course, it’s easier to effect change at home than with others, but sustainable change requires the industry to come along on the journey. And this is why we’re thrilled to be working with Dutton Gregory Solicitors, PLS Solicitors, and The Partnership, and are looking forward to welcoming more firms to the PEXA network this year.

This article was submitted to be published by PEXA as part of their advertising agreement with Today’s Conveyancer. The views expressed in this article are those of the submitter and not those of Today’s Conveyancer.

Last updated: 12/07/2023

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